4,184 research outputs found

    Effective mass in quasi two-dimensional systems

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    The effective mass of the quasiparticle excitations in quasi two-dimensional systems is calculated analytically. It is shown that the effective mass increases sharply when the density approaches the critical one of metal-insulator transition. This suggests a Mott type of transition rather than an Anderson like transition.Comment: 3 pages 3 figure

    Arbitrary l-state solutions of the rotating Morse potential by the asymptotic iteration method

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    For non-zero \ell values, we present an analytical solution of the radial Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the rotating Morse potential using the Pekeris approximation within the framework of the Asymptotic Iteration Method. The bound state energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions are obtained for a number of diatomic molecules and the results are compared with the findings of the super-symmetry, the hypervirial perturbation, the Nikiforov-Uvarov, the variational, the shifted 1/N and the modified shifted 1/N expansion methods.Comment: 15 pages with 1 eps figure. accepted for publication in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Extension of Nikiforov-Uvarov Method for the Solution of Heun Equation

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    We report an alternative method to solve second order differential equations which have at most four singular points. This method is developed by changing the degrees of the polynomials in the basic equation of Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. This is called extended NU method for this paper. The eigenvalue solutions of Heun equation and confluent Heun equation are obtained via extended NU method. Some quantum mechanical problems such as Coulomb problem on a 3-sphere, two Coulombically repelling electrons on a sphere and hyperbolic double-well potential are investigated by this method

    Low-lying spectra in anharmonic three-body oscillators with a strong short-range repulsion

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    Three-body Schroedinger equation is studied in one dimension. Its two-body interactions are assumed composed of the long-range attraction (dominated by the L-th-power potential) in superposition with a short-range repulsion (dominated by the (-K)-th-power core) plus further subdominant power-law components if necessary. This unsolvable and non-separable generalization of Calogero model (which is a separable and solvable exception at L = K = 2) is presented in polar Jacobi coordinates. We derive a set of trigonometric identities for the potentials which generalizes the well known K=2 identity of Calogero to all integers. This enables us to write down the related partial differential Schroedinger equation in an amazingly compact form. As a consequence, we are able to show that all these models become separable and solvable in the limit of strong repulsion.Comment: 18 pages plus 6 pages of appendices with new auxiliary identitie

    Multi-Atomic Mirror for Perfect Reflection of Single Photons in A Wide Band of Frequency

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    A resonant two level atom doped in one dimensional waveguide behaves as a mirror, but this single-atom "mirror" can only reflect single photon perfectly at a specific frequency. For a one dimensional coupled-resonator waveguide, we propose to extend the perfect reflection region from a specific frequency to a wide band by placing many atoms individually in the resonators in a finite coordinate region of the waveguide. Such a doped resonator array promises us to control the propagation of a practical photon wave packet with certain momentum distribution instead of a single photon, which is ideally represented by a plane wave with specific momentum. The studies based on the discrete-coordinate scattering theory display that such hybrid structure indeed provides a near-perfect reflection for single photon in a wide band. We also calculated photon group velocity distribution, which shows that the perfect reflection with wide band exactly corresponds to the stopping light region.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Polynomial Solutions of Shcrodinger Equation with the Generalized Woods Saxon Potential

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    The bound state energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the generalized Woods Saxon potential are obtained in terms of the Jacobi polynomials. Nikiforov Uvarov method is used in the calculations. It is shown that the results are in a good agreement with the ones obtained before.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Auxiliary field method and analytical solutions of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation with exponential potentials

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    The auxiliary field method is a new and efficient way to compute approximate analytical eigenenergies and eigenvectors of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. This method has already been successfully applied to the case of central potentials of power-law and logarithmic forms. In the present work, we show that the Schr\"{o}dinger equation with exponential potentials of the form αrλexp(βr)-\alpha r^\lambda \exp(-\beta r) can also be analytically solved by using the auxiliary field method. Formulae giving the critical heights and the energy levels of these potentials are presented. Special attention is drawn on the Yukawa potential and the pure exponential one

    Origin of adiabatic and non-adiabatic spin transfer torques in current-driven magnetic domain wall motion

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    A consistent theory to describe the correlated dynamics of quantum mechanical itinerant spins and semiclassical local magnetization is given. We consider the itinerant spins as quantum mechanical operators, whereas local moments are considered within classical Lagrangian formalism. By appropriately treating fluctuation space spanned by basis functions, including a zero-mode wave function, we construct coupled equations of motion for the collective coordinate of the center-of-mass motion and the localized zero-mode coordinate perpendicular to the domain wall plane. By solving them, we demonstrate that the correlated dynamics is understood through a hierarchy of two time scales: Boltzmann relaxation time when a non-adiabatic part of the spin-transfer torque appears, and Gilbert damping time when adiabatic part comes up.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Shift of the 21+^+_1 state of 10^{10}Be in the ternary cold fission of 252^{252}Cf

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    Recent experimental data indicate that in the ternary cold fission of 252^{252}Cf the energy of the first excited state of the accompanying light cluster 10^{10}Be is decreased by an amount ranging between \approx 6 and 26 keV. A model is proposed to calculate the shift of the vibrational 21+^+_1 state in 10^{10}Be when its heavy companions are the even-even nuclei 146^{146}Ba and 96^{96}Sr. The stiffness parameters of the β\beta-vibrations are calculated within the self-consistent Hartree-Fock method with BCS pairing correlations taken into account, and its change is determined by the interaction of the light cluster with the heavy fragments. The results are pointing to a dependence of the shift magnitude and signature on the relative distance between the three clusters and their mutual orientation. Eventually it is the anharmonic perturbation of the spherical vibrator which is responsible for obtaining a negative energy shift of the 21+^+_1 state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Analytical solutions of the Bohr Hamiltonian with the Morse potential

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    Analytical solutions of the Bohr Hamiltonian are obtained in the γ\gamma-unstable case, as well as in an exactly separable rotational case with γ0\gamma\approx 0, called the exactly separable Morse (ES-M) solution. Closed expressions for the energy eigenvalues are obtained through the Asymptotic Iteration Method (AIM), the effectiveness of which is demonstrated by solving the relevant Bohr equations for the Davidson and Kratzer potentials. All medium mass and heavy nuclei with known β1\beta_1 and γ1\gamma_1 bandheads have been fitted by using the two-parameter γ\gamma-unstable solution for transitional nuclei and the three-parameter ES-M for rotational ones. It is shown that bandheads and energy spacings within the bands are well reproduced for more than 50 nuclei in each case.Comment: 33 pages with 2 Tables and 2 Figure